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What are the insects you need to protect your yard from

A beautiful and healthy garden requires constant attention and care. Unfortunately, there are many harmful insects and animals that can affect your plants, flowers and vegetables, reducing the yield and destroying the beauty of the garden.
Home and Garden Garden
What are the insects you need to protect your yard from

1. Aphids (Plant Lice)

Aphids are small green, black, yellow or red insects that feed on plant sap. They can occur in large numbers and cause leaf distortion and stunted plant growth.


Aphids can transmit viruses to plants and attract other insect pests such as ants. Also, their sweet secretions (honeydew) can encourage mold growth.

How to avoid aphids

  • Plant companion flowers: Plants like marigolds or marigolds attract beneficial insects like ladybugs, which feed on aphids.
  • Using insecticidal soap: Spray a mixture of insecticidal soap and water directly on the aphids to kill them.
  • Manual cleaning: Remove aphids by spraying the plants with a strong jet of water or by removing them manually.

2. Snails and Slugs

Snails and slugs are molluscs that feed on the leaves, flowers and stems of plants, leaving behind holes and mucus trails.


These pests can quickly destroy young plants and compromise crops, especially in wet periods.

How to avoid snails and slugs

  • Wood ash and coffee grounds: Spread wood ash or coffee grounds around plants to create a barrier that snails can't cross.
  • Beer Traps: Bury containers of beer at ground level. Snails will be attracted to the smell and fall into the trap.
  • Plant natural barriers: Plants such as lavender, rosemary and thyme are repelled by snails and can act as a natural barrier.

3. Beetles and Their Larvae

Weevils are large insects that in their larval stage (known as white worms) feed on the roots of plants, weakening them and causing them to die.


Weevil larvae can cause significant damage to lawns and plant roots, causing them to turn yellow and dry.

How to avoid carabinieri

  • Turn the soil: In the fall, turn the soil to expose the larvae to the surface where they will be eaten by birds.
  • Use of nematodes: Apply beneficial nematodes to the soil, which will parasitize and kill mealybug larvae.
  • Remove by hand: If you notice grubs while gardening, remove them by hand and destroy them.

4. Red Spiders (Mites)

Red spider mites are microscopic mites that feed on plant cell sap, causing leaves to discolor and dry.


These mites reproduce quickly and can quickly destroy plants, especially during periods of drought or in greenhouses.

How to avoid red spiders

  • Keep humidity high: Spray water on plant leaves to increase humidity, which will deter mites.
  • Use horticultural oils: horticultural oils can suffocate mites and prevent their spread.
  • Introduce beneficial insects: Natural predators, such as predatory mites, can control red spider populations.

5. Mice and Rats

Mice and rats are rodents that can eat your garden's seeds, fruits and vegetables. They can excavate underground tunnels and cause damage to plants by gnawing.


Rodents can destroy crops and transmit disease. They can also cause structural damage by digging galleries.

How to get rid of mice and rats

  • Keep the garden clean: Remove any food scraps, uncovered compost and dense vegetation that could provide shelter for rodents.
  • Traps and Baits: Use mechanical traps or baits to control the rodent population.
  • Install protective fences: An underground fence can prevent rodents from entering the garden.