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Stylists tips: How to fix hair split ends

A hair styled by a stylist can make your day extraordinary, but even the best hairstyles will not have the same effect if your hair is dry, dull or damaged.
Beauty and Personal Care Hair care
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Stylists tips: How to fix hair split ends

Split ends, or trichoptylosis or schizotrichia are one of the most visible signs that your hair care routine needs adjustments. But if you're wondering how to get rid of split ends, there are some simple ways to get your hair back looking beautiful and healthy, according to stylists.

What are split ends?

Split ends occur when the hair ends, the oldest and most fragile parts, literally separate into two or more pieces.

Hair is like any other fiber: when it gets very dry and worn, it becomes brittle and can split, starting at the ends and continuing down the length of the hair shaft. This makes hair look and feel dry, rough, frizzy and dull.

There are many factors that can contribute to split ends, but more often than not, they are caused by dehydration and styling abuse.

Split ends can occur for many reasons, but most commonly happen to hair that is over-styled with hot tools, color treatments, relaxers and daily wear and tear. Often, people who always use straighteners face split ends and dry hair.

Certain hair care products, especially those containing alcohol and fragrances, can also be damaging and dehydrating.

Environmental aggressors such as the sun and pollution also affect the quality of hair, making it more prone to damage, which can cause split ends. In addition, diet affects the skin, hair and nails.

Are split ends a sign of something worse?

Split ends can indicate that your hair care products are substandard or that your hair has been subjected to excessive mechanical stress. If you notice split ends, this is usually a sign that you need to re-evaluate your grooming habits.

While there are many products that can help mask and repair split ends, if left untreated, split ends travel further up the length of the hair shaft and can cause hair to break at uneven lengths, forcing you to trim.

Once your hair is split, you cannot repair or reverse the damage with conditioners or other hair care products. So getting your hair trimmed or cut by a professional at the salon is undoubtedly the best way to get rid of split ends.

Avoid candle cutting techniques

To remove split ends, some people opt for a Brazilian candle cutting technique known as Velaterapia, where stylists twist various sections of hair and pass a lit candle underneath. After burning the split ends, the hair is washed and a deep nourishing mask is applied, followed by drying for a perfect finish. However, despite the good short-term results, many hair care experts say that this method can damage the hair cuticle and leave the hairs more damaged in the long run.

How to remove ends without losing length

It may sound counterintuitive, but the best way to get rid of split ends and keep your hair healthy without losing length is to make frequent visits to the salon. People with split ends should schedule visits to the hairdresser every six weeks for a trim.

If you combine this with a plan to prevent future damage, you should start to see fewer split ends over time.

Routine haircuts can remove split ends, but prevention is always best.

How to mask damage

One way to hide split ends is to add healthy hair extensions. Not only does this mask split ends, but it also protects my clients' hair from styling abuse. Hairdo extensions come in a variety of styles and options to create any look without over-styling, but also add volume and length to cover almost any amount of damage.

Wear your hair up and use accessories

Putting your hair up in a bun or braid can also distract from split ends until you have time to go to the salon for a haircut.

Chignons are particularly effective at hiding the ends of your hair, although you can also experiment with styles that include scarves, clips and other eye-catching accessories to distract from the damage.

Use serums and nourishing treatments

Brittle or broken hair can lead to unruly strands. This makes split ends much more noticeable to those around, as they tend to frame the face. To tame them, try using hair serums, leave-in conditioners or hair waxes as these can keep hairs in place. While they won't solve the problem, they will give you a neater look and prevent the problem from highlighting.

Adjust the care to your hair texture

Styling your hair in line with its natural texture can help avoid over-styling with hot tools. For example, you're less likely to see split ends or hair breakage if you choose styles that enhance the look of your curly hair, rather than working against it with straighteners or chemical treatments.

A good hair care regimen that specifically addresses the needs of your hair texture and type, and a styling routine that doesn't put too much stress on your hair or cause damage can do wonders.

Choose the right hair repair products

While hair repair conditioners and masks won't repair the damage already done, they can help prevent split ends in the future.

When it comes to split ends, some products are our friends. For example, you can protect your hair from split ends by spraying the last two inches of hair with a solution of water and olive oil. Reapply this hair mask once a week to improve hair health and texture, ultimately reducing breakage.

Dry your hair carefully

How you dry your hair matters. If you towel dry your hair, use a microfiber towel or soft t-shirt to transition from wet to damp hair, treating your hair with protectants before using any drying tools. Avoid high heat settings on your hair dryer or even forego heat drying altogether to preserve your hair's natural oils.

By caring for your hair with careful drying and styling practices, hair protection products, and regular salon visits, you should notice fewer split ends over time. Prevention is key, experts say, but because some split ends are inevitable, regular trims are another important tool in your hair care arsenal.