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Can the thyroid gland be the only one responsible for excess weight?

Hypothyroidism is determined by the existence of a lack of functioning of the thyroid gland and in certain situations it can favor the appearance of excess weight. The causes that determine weight gain in people suffering from hypothyroidism are complex and do not always involve the accumulation of adipose tissue.
Diet and Weight Loss Health Hypothyroidism Obesity
Can the thyroid gland be the only one responsible for excess weight?

Thyroid dysfunction and excess weight - most of the extra pounds deposited in the context of a lack of functioning of the thyroid gland are due to the accumulation of salt and water at the tissue level, which does not exceed the limit of 2-4.5 kg. Pronounced excess weight is rarely associated with hypothyroidism, especially in the situation where the weight gain is not accompanied by other manifestations that indicate the presence of a thyroid dysfunction.

What is the thyroid gland and what is its role?

The thyroid is a small endocrine gland, it has the shape of a butterfly and is located at the base of the neck. The thyroid gland is involved in multiple processes in the body. The functions of the thyroid gland are exercised through the thyroid hormones that it synthesizes , their main role being that of regulating the metabolism according to the individual daily needs.

The main effects of thyroid hormones are determined by thyroxine T3, the form circulating in the body in a proportion of 80% and can be classified into:

  • Metabolic effects that are manifested by increasing the body's oxygen consumption, increasing the rate of basal metabolism and thermogenesis
  • Morphogenetic effects represented by the stimulation of growth and cellular differentiation processes in children and maintaining the trophicity of the body

The main implications of thyroid hormones are represented by:

  • Influence of protein synthesis
  • Thermoregulation of the body
  • Stimulation of the growth and development of the bone system in children
  • Regulation of neuron maturation processes
  • Regulation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism
  • Increasing the body's sensitivity to catecholamines.

How does the thyroid gland influence weight?

The thyroid gland contributes to maintaining an adequate body weight by involving thyroid hormones in the processes of gluconeogenesis, lipolysis and lipogenesis. The basal metabolic rate represents the number of calories burned by the body at night rest , this index being modified in the case of patients diagnosed with thyroid hypofunction.

The decrease in the rate of basal metabolism slows down the processes of converting nutrients into energy and predisposes to the accumulation of extra pounds through the deposition of adipose tissue on the abdominal and internal organs.

The deficiency of triiodothyronine T3 and thyroxine T4 favors the appearance of hypercholesterolemia with the acceleration of atherosclerotic processes with an increase in the risk of acute cardiovascular events, represented by acute myocardial infarction and stroke.

The risk of weight gain is inversely proportional to the serum levels of thyroid hormones in patients diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Moreover, hypothyroidism causes the accumulation of salt and water at the tissue level, an effect that further accentuates weight gain.

Another important factor that determines the accumulation of extra pounds in the case of people with thyroid disorders is the presence of thyroid antibodies. Obesity is frequently associated with autoimmune pathologies, autoimmune thyroiditis being one of the conditions that cause weight gain.