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How to prepare for the second pregnancy?

The experience of the first pregnancy can be of real use for a mother who wants her second child. You may realize that it is not so easy to get pregnant a second time, but this should not discourage you. How long should you wait before becoming a mother again and what are the best tips to help you get pregnant?
Pregnancy, Kids and Parenting Relationships, Love and Intimacy Pregnancy
How to prepare for the second pregnancy?

The healthier the mother is and maintains a stable balance in her life, the higher the chances of getting a second pregnancy. But this is not the only thing you have to consider.

The difficulty of getting pregnant a second time is estimated at one in seven couples, probably due to the fact that the first child appears at an older age or other health problems appear.

It is also very important for the body to recover after the first pregnancy.

How long should I wait until a new pregnancy?

Before becoming pregnant for the second time, it is good to know if the body is prepared for the ninth pregnancy, from a medical point of view. In general, the recommendation is to wait 1 or 2 years until the next pregnancy.

Pregnancy comes with a series of metabolic and hormonal changes and it is good to let the body stabilize after a birth. Breastfeeding also influences the activity of the ovaries and ovulation, without which you cannot get pregnant.

It is recommended to get pregnant 2-3 months after the end of breastfeeding, although you can remain pregnant during this period, when you no longer breastfeed once every 3 hours.

Monitors menstrual cycles to increase the chances of getting pregnant

To increase the chances of a new pregnancy, you can monitor menstrual cycles: noting the days when menstruation begins, the period between periods - i.e. the length of the menstrual cycle and estimating the fertile period. You can do all this on your own, apart from medical advice.

Control the stress in your life

If you want to increase the chances of a new pregnancy, you need to control the level of stress in your life or eliminate it permanently.

Stress can be controlled by:

  • breathing exercises
  • massage
  • relaxation in nature
  • enough sleep
  • physical exercises
  • a hot bath
  • reading a book

Any kind of activity that gives you pleasure can eliminate stress. In addition, you need to think positively about the pregnancy you want.

Rest more

The first aspect you can improve is sleep, especially when you have a small baby at home, it happens that you don't get enough sleep. Sometimes, it is possible to solve this very simply: if the little one sleeps well, you will also sleep well.

You can also ask for help from your partner, who can sometimes stay with the child part of the night or take over part of the responsibilities at the weekend.

Remove unhealthy foods from the diet

To increase the chances of a new pregnancy, eat organic, unprocessed food, without additives and E's. Green vegetables are recommended - lightly cooked, as well as cereals, soups or smoothies. Foods of animal origin must be well prepared thermally.

Pay attention to how you eat: not on the run, not between sessions, and above all, don't eat in the evening everything you didn't eat during the day. It is important to respect the meal times and to enjoy the food.

Consume as much water as possible, for hydration and be careful with teas! Not all are recommended during pregnancy.

Do physical exercises

It is recommended to start physical exercises in the pre-pregnancy period, to help the body. Thus, you will not perceive sudden changes in your daily habits when you are pregnant. And we know that some of these can be perceived negatively. It helps the body in its effort to support a pregnancy

For people who are overweight, losing weight also increases the chance of getting pregnant.

Doctor visits are necessary

There are recommendations regarding the necessary preconception investigations, which you can discuss with the doctor during the specialist consultation. There are investigations that are done routinely, annually, such as the Babes-Papanicolau cytological examination or pregnancy-specific investigations.

From the moment you have unprotected sexual contact, it is good to take into account all the rules of pregnancy, i.e.:

  • do not take medicine without asking the doctor,
  • you don't do x-rays,
  • you take folic acid, very important for the prevention of severe malformations of the nervous system (such as, for example, spina bifida).

And all this, before pregnancy, for a very simple reason: after ovulation, which takes place approximately 2 weeks after menstruation, the pregnancy begins to form, and you will be able to take a pregnancy test only in another 2-3 weeks. when you will notice that menstruation is late.

Preparing for a new pregnancy means making sure that the little embryo will get everything it needs from the first day.