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Pregnancy after 35 years: risks and their prevention

Are you over 35 and want to know the chances of getting pregnant? Even if the ovarian reserve decreases with age, you have every chance to become a mother, and the pregnancy will proceed without complications. First of all, however, you must also understand that there are some risks, which can be prevented with appropriate treatment and careful monitoring of the pregnancy. What are the risks in pregnancy after 35 years and how can you prevent them? You can learn from this material.
Pregnancy, Kids and Parenting Pregnancy Fertility
Pregnancy after 35 years: risks and their prevention

An increasingly common phrase from patients who come to a specialist gynecological consultation is " I am over 35 years old, I have completed my studies, my career brings me material and intellectual satisfaction, I think the time has come to have a new family member. I want a beautiful and healthy baby ." If you find yourself in this story, you definitely need the information from this material.

Until the age of 35, a large part of women put their career first, choosing to postpone the moment when they will become mothers. Financial stability offers a great advantage, helping the 2 parents to offer the best conditions for the child: " I often have discussions with my patients in the gynecological office, related to the subject of pregnancy after 35 years. Questions and fears invariably arise regarding the safety of a pregnancy at an older age, the possibilities of remaining pregnant and if there are risks, are they greater than at 20? , says Dr. Raluca Șuba, Obstetrics-Gynecology specialist at Medicover Hospital.

A new trend regarding the age at which women become pregnant

With the passage of time, there is an increase in the age at which women get their first pregnancy, for example in Romania the average age at which a woman became a mother in 1948 was 24.5 years, while in 2019 it was 28.9 years . A study from Great Britain shows that more women choose to get pregnant over 40 than under 20. This explains the greater number of complications that have occurred during pregnancy in the contemporary era.

Can I get pregnant after 35 years?

We are born with a certain number of eggs, which decreases with age, and the genetic quality of the eggs also decreases. Thus, the chances of getting pregnant can decrease with the passing of years. It is important to know that the ovarian reserve is genetically determined and there is no revolutionary procedure to improve it. To check the ovarian reserve, we use transvaginal ultrasound with follicle counting and also the blood dosage of a hormone called AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone) which can better identify women whose fertility is declining or even the transition to menopause in the coming years.

What are the risks of pregnancy after 35 years?

Spontaneous abortion is encountered with a higher frequency in patients over 35 years old, studies incriminate a poorer egg quality and a higher frequency of chromosomal anomalies. It is worth mentioning here the result of a current research carried out in several centers in Europe, according to which paternal age over 40 years also increases the risk of spontaneous abortion.

The risk of the fetus having genetic diseases (e.g. Down syndrome) increases with age, because in the very complex process of gluing the genetic material from the mother to that from the father, there are greater chances of errors in people over 35 year old.

Low birth weight is attributed to any newborn that weighed less than 2500 g or that did not reach its growth potential. Maternal age under 20 years or over 35 years represents a risk factor for insufficient growth of the fetus in the womb. Reasons could be pre-existing diseases of the mother or defective formation of the placenta.

Numerous studies attest to the fact that pregnancy at an older age results in a higher frequency of obstetric complications such as:

  • diabet gestational
  • preeclampsia (appearance of hypertension during pregnancy)
  • premature birth (before 37 weeks)
  • dystocic presentations (abnormal position of the fetus during labor)

All this increasing the chances of resorting to cesarean delivery. Likewise, the fear of mothers carrying a long-awaited and long-awaited pregnancy can tip the scales towards cesarean surgery.

How can the risks of pregnancy after 35 years be reduced?

  • Preconceptionally, in the case of excess weight, weight loss is recommended until a body mass index as close as possible to the normal one (BMI 18.5-25)
  • the administration of folic acid both preconceptionally and during the first trimester of pregnancy, with an essential role in the formation of the brain and spinal cord, reduces the risk of fetal brain malformations
  • avoiding the administration of drugs during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Smoking, additional risk for pregnancy

Smoking is an additional risk factor for pregnancy, it does not cause fetal malformations, but it can negatively influence the growth of the baby in the womb, it has been proven that girls from pregnancies with smoking mothers are 500 g smaller at birth than their normal growth potential.

Also, smoking can increase the risk of lung diseases such as asthma or chronic bronchitis later in adult life.

Gestational diabetes can be prevented

Body weight control during pregnancy is essential to prevent gestational diabetes or hypertension. A mother should gain weight during the 9 months, between 7 and 12 kg. Physical exercises are beneficial as long as they do not excessively demand the mother.

What advantages are there in pregnancy after 35 years?

Older mothers are more likely to have a higher socio-economic status, so that they can provide all the resources necessary for a healthy pregnancy and then the child's education. It has also been proven that older mothers are longer-lived.

Even if the percentage risk is higher at an older age, this does not mean that the pregnancy will evolve with complications. That is why it is good to take all the precautionary measures, to avoid risk factors as much as possible, to carry out specialist consultations at a time interval established together with the obstetrician, in order to be able to detect possible complications in time.

A relaxed but proactive attitude during pregnancy is the most appropriate, without unfounded worries, but still attentive to the warning signs that may occur during the nine months.