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Prepare your child for the first day of kindergarten or school

The first day of kindergarten is a difficult test for both the parents and the child. Parents must explain to the child ahead of time that there is a change in his life and describe in detail what kindergarten means and highlight the positive things that encourage him and arouse his curiosity, such as the fact that he is going to play with children of his age , that he will have new toys and learn new games.
Pregnancy, Kids and Parenting Toddlers Childhood
Prepare your child for the first day of kindergarten or school

The child will learn to be flexible, sociable, independent and learn on his own.

It is important to go with the child to visit the kindergarten before it starts, to discover what the classroom looks like and to meet the teacher. On the first day of kindergarten, the child will recognize your place and this will give him confidence. Involve him in preparing for kindergarten, encourage him to choose the clothes he wants to wear to kindergarten, his schoolbag and other things he considers necessary. Allow him to take with him to kindergarten the toy he never parts with , in this way he will have a familiar object next to him and will get over the fact that he doesn't know anyone more easily. Prepare them for kindergarten with loose clothes that are easy to put on and take off (pants with elastic, shoes without laces).

Some time before kindergarten starts, it's good to adjust his schedule, put him to bed earlier in the evening and wake him up at a reasonable time to have time to use the toilet and have breakfast.

The moment of separation will be the hardest . Don't leave him immediately, but don't prolong this moment too much either. Say goodbye with a smile and don't forget to assure him that you will come back for him. Tell him exactly how much time he will spend at kindergarten so that he knows how to appreciate the time, otherwise he will look forward to you if you lie to him by saying that you will be right back.

In the first days you have to be more tolerant and understanding with him. The child may be more tired, more nervous and it is important to help him get over the new situation in his life.

After one stage in the child's life has ended - kindergarten, another one follows, namely school. The first day of school is as exciting as it is stressful for the whole family. Tell him ahead of time that he will go to school soon. You can even mark in the calendar the day when school will start. Be positive, don't use school as a threat, don't tell him that he's done playing, but show him the positive aspects of school (it can be a fun place, he can make new friends, he'll discover new and interesting things). Encourage the child to build friendships with the children in the class.

Visit the school together so that the child becomes familiar with the area and the building and, if possible, arrange a meeting with the teacher before school starts. Involve the child in choosing the things he needs for school, schoolbag or uniform. This increases his confidence in him and gives him a sense of control.

Prepare the child for the discipline of school hours. Tell him what the school schedule will be, explain to him that he will sit in the bank for 4 hours, that he will have a break after each class, that he must pay attention to the teacher and not disturb his colleagues.

If your child is used to sleeping until later, it is good to get him used to going to bed and waking up an hour earlier some time before starting school. Get him used to having breakfast every day, explaining that in this way he will have the necessary energy to learn the new things you told him about.

It would be ideal for at least one of the parents to accompany him to school and even to class on the first day. Assure him that you will wait for him after the lessons are over and try to be in the school yard in a visible place when the child leaves school. When he returns from school, give him time and attention, let him tell you everything he did on the first day, encourage him and praise him even for things that seem trivial to you.