Home / News / World / Ukraine confirms the damage of a Patriot system. However, the system was not destroyed

Ukraine confirms the damage of a Patriot system. However, the system was not destroyed

In a rare intervention on this subject, perhaps even a first, a Ukrainian military official publishes sensitive information about some damage suffered by a Patriot system and also confirms its firing location. The head of the Public Relations Service of the Ukrainian Air Force, Iuri Ignat, confirmed, on October 10, the damage to some equipment of a Patriot system. The event took place during the repulse of a Russian missile attack in the Dnipropetrovsk region.
World Russia - Ukraine war Ukraine
October 11 2024, 16:07 posts.minutes_read
Ukraine confirms the damage of a Patriot system. However, the system was not destroyed

Russian propaganda has repeatedly announced the destruction of Patriot anti-missile systems, but each time such news has been refuted by the reality on the battlefield. The powerful anti-missile systems, which Ukraine received from its Western allies, continued to do their duty by intercepting Russian hypersonic and ballistic missiles which, if they had hit the intended targets, of course some strategic ones, Ukraine probably would not have been in a position to to impose negotiating conditions on Russia.

But now, official information on this sensitive topic shows new threats to Ukrainian air defenses, which are consistent enough to endanger even a Patriot system considered a critical and fairly well-protected asset.

Elements of a Patriot system were damaged on October 9 by a Russian missile attack, but the system continues to carry out its mission, according to the Ukrainian official.

“So what happened on October 9? Nothing new, the enemy only damaged a few pieces of equipment, but did not destroy them. This is a war. In a war, it's not just people who get hurt, but equipment too. Moreover, the same Patriot unit continues to perform tasks in the region", said Iuri Ignat on his personal Facebook page, in the afternoon of October 10.

"On that day, the Patriot air defense system was engaged in an anti-aircraft battle against a group of Russian ballistic missiles. And a part was intercepted", Ignat also said.

Patriot systems are heavily hunted with Iskander-M missiles by Russian forces who sometimes hit a real system in addition to decoys.

“The Patriot system is one of the enemy's highest priority targets! Why? Because it is only thanks to this American air defense system that we keep Russian aviation at a certain distance. Technology in the war is developing rapidly, their UAVs have begun to fly further, having lost a dozen aircraft during their previous daring attacks. And now it is much more difficult to hunt Russian "sushka" (planes - author's note).

The enemy is changing its tactics of use, using all available methods of reconnaissance - from satellites and reconnaissance UAVs to agents on the ground, the enemy does not spare the Iskanders (missiles), having information about the potential presence of Patriots in one or the other area.

You remember the assembly of mock-ups (decoys), their importance and necessity in these conditions of war. The enemy often targets mock-ups, but sometimes, unfortunately, it's real equipment," Ignat said.

Forced by circumstances, the Ukrainians use Patriot systems near the front line, in conditions for which they were not designed.

“I will not write how many Patriot batteries are in the Air Force, it is already clear to everyone that there are not many and not enough. I will only write that this complex is stationary and structurally not intended for war in dynamics.

Only Ukrainians - soldiers of the Air Force's anti-aircraft missile forces - have tested and use this system in such conditions, with rapidly changing battlefield situations, when the enemy uses dozens of reconnaissance systems, EW and means of attack air - missiles and attack UAVs of various types.

"Patriot must survive in these conditions." Ukraine does not have enough systems

"Patriot" must survive in these conditions. Change position quickly, camouflage effectively, use a limited amount of equipment in the frontline area, and at the same time try to shoot down the Russian aircraft at long range. Or at least actively working on it, which will not allow him to approach. Such realities!

The fight against reconnaissance UAVs is a separate topic. And the answer here is simple, you have to have something! Defense forces shoot down a lot, but they also fly a lot. Everyone is talking about it, looking for means and methods of countermeasures", said Ignat.

The official also posted on Facebook a photo of two Patriot launchers at the time of the missile launch. According to Ignat, the photo is a "screenshot from the camera of an enemy UAV".

Ignat's unprecedented statements about the Patriot systems' activity are a reaction to a previous information provided by the Ukrainian deputy in the Supreme Rada, Mariana Bezugla. It stated on the morning of October 10 on its Facebook page that another Patriot system was damaged and it was not the only one, blaming Ukrainian generals for the loss.

Although Bezugla did not specify the location of the damaged Patriot system, she also posted a photo from which, most likely, one can recognize the geographical area from which the Patriot system operates - geolocation based on the photos.

Ignat condemned Bezugla's gesture because "to the joy of the Russians and the despair of the Ukrainians, he confirmed the strike on the position of the Ukrainian air defense system "Patriot" in the Dnipropetrovsk region on October 9, 2024." The official calls Bezugla a "spokesperson for Kremlin propaganda in Ukraine."

Where does Patriot operate in Ukraine?

Ukrainian Air Force reports of October 9 and 10 referenced that there were Russian Iskander-M ballistic missile launches on October 9. But according to those reports, none of those ballistic missiles were intercepted.

In fact the last information about the interception of Iskander-M ballistic missiles is on September 2, 2024 when there was a strong Russian attack with 35 missiles, of which 16 were Iskander-M. Ukrainian air defense, through Patriot and SAM P/T systems, intercepted 9 Iskander-M missiles on September 2.

Since then, although there have been several Iskander-M ballistic missile attacks, no reports have made any reference to the downing of this type of missile.

However, it is unlikely that the Ukrainian Patriot and SAM P/T systems have not intercepted Iskander-M missiles, especially since a recent report refers to the downing of hypersonic Kinzhal missiles, which is only possible with the Patriot, the missile being considered more difficult to intercept than the Iskander-M.

Shooting down an Iskander-M missile in a region other than Kiev would indirectly confirm the presence of a Patriot or SAM P/T system in a given area, and this would invite an attack on it with Russian Iskander-M ballistic missiles. Thus, the Ukrainian Air Force prefers not to publicly announce the interception of such missiles than to expose the position of the Patriot or SAM P/T systems.

It is also noted that information about the downing of Su-34 and Su-35 aircraft, which fly 40-60 km from the front line, from where they launch their guided glide bombs, has disappeared from the Ukrainian reports. Although in this case, the Russians would certainly know which category of system shot down their aircraft, it is not excluded that for security reasons the Ukrainians also keep secret the information regarding the downing of these types of aircraft.