Multilingual website builder - Bring multiple languages to your site

Building a multi language website can be a great way to reach a wider audience.

With Clevada Website Builder, it is extremely easy to create multiple versions of your website, in multiple languages. You can add unlimited languages. 

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Multilingual website builder - Bring multiple languages to your site
Add unlimited languages

You can add unlimited languages. When more than one language is active, a language selector will be automatically visible in your website menu

Translate all website content

When you create a page, you can translate it in every language that you activated. For posts, you can create categories for each language. All content blocks have a version for each language.

Translate menu navigation and footer

When you add extra languages, the navigation menu links and footer content can be translates in each language. You can set different menu links and footer content for each language.

Multilingual Knowledge Base

A multilingual knowledge base takes this one step further and stores knowledge in multiple languages, making it easier for international audience access information.

Translate anything from admin area

When you enable multiple language, you can translate the default phrases and words (used in public website) directly from administration area.

Support for Right-to-Left Languages

Clevada Website Builder RTL languages. Create a seamless website experience for RTL language speakers by aligning your text to the right direction.

Clevada Website Builder follows the best practices for a multilingual website
Clevada Website Builder follows the best practices for a multilingual website

  • Default language is on main domain. Example:
  • Each additional language will have own subfolder. Example:, ...
  • Each language content (homepage, pages, posts, docs...) has own title, meta title and meta description.
  • Each content (page, post...) has own URL structure (permalink). This is very important for SEO.
  • All content (pages, posts, content blocks) can be translatable for every language that you add.
  • Separate sitemap is created for each language.
  • Each language content has own language code, time-zone